That said, I'm pleased to bring this up to date with the news that 'Gina' was successfully launched on the 7th November 2010 at the CMBA Test Day at Ivy Lake, Chichester - and here's the picture to prove it...
Following on from the last update, you'll notice we finally got the engine up and running - even though it did manage to expire on us on our final circuits of the lake. Hopefully the winter lay-up will give us a chance to address this ready for next season.
Although the engine is only 25HP, progress did seem a little 'stately' - even when running at wide open throttle...
The only other work over the year was to replace trailer wheels, tyres and bearings - not exciting - but she tows beautifully now.
Final Entry in the Log...
Well, I guess this blog/diary has now run its course - so it's unlikely I'll be adding much more to it in the future. If anyone wants to keep in touch please cruise over to the CMBA Forum where I'm also known as 'BroomBroom'.
I'll leave you with a few final pictures of 'Gina' but before signing off I'd like to thank everybody who helped me during the restoration and in particular:
Tony and SJ
for the endless supply of 'loan' tools, manual dexterity
and appreciative comments
Geoff, Nick and Steve from the CMBA
for help with screens, engines and sympathy
The Neighbours
who were regularly press-ganged into 'boat lifting' duties
Paul 'The Boat Boy' and Big Al
One word... Curry?
My brother Jon
for his efforts on the end of a spanner in the 'fibreglass coffin'
Angie M
who told me to 'get on and restore another boat'
for the endless supply of 'loan' tools, manual dexterity
and appreciative comments
Geoff, Nick and Steve from the CMBA
for help with screens, engines and sympathy
The Neighbours
who were regularly press-ganged into 'boat lifting' duties
Paul 'The Boat Boy' and Big Al
One word... Curry?
My brother Jon
for his efforts on the end of a spanner in the 'fibreglass coffin'
Angie M
who told me to 'get on and restore another boat'
...and finally, 'Spike' - RYA Qualified Powerboat Pilot, long suffering wife, purveyor of tea and sarnies and occasionally competent boatbuilders assistant - well it is her boat...

Great to see her finished. Was following your restoration and was wondering what had happened in the last 15months or so. Gina is one tidy bit of work!!
i find now your blog
i am from Portugal and i have a 1990 Broom Aries .
do you kown here i can find some information about this boat?
I think is the only one in Portugal
How many boats are of these model?
My email is
best regards
I restored a Broom Saturn, 2 years ago I send you some pictures - now the boat is finished - see:
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